Hello, again. And if you’re just starting to follow along, welcome! I’m Ed Walker, President of ArmadaGlobal, and this is my journey to the Baltimore Marathon. You can find the first post in the series here.

This week, I decided it would be a good idea to take advantage of Ultimate Health’s Executive Physical Program and get checked out to make sure I’m in good shape health-wise for the upcoming marathon.

I’ve been surprised to find that a lot of people don’t know the benefits of getting an executive physical or what an executive physical even is. Much more than your average physician visit, an executive physical is a pretty comprehensive exam that consists of a review of your medical history, extensive bloodwork, screenings, tests for concerns such as kidney disease and thyroid abnormalities, a cardiac evaluation and much more. Of course, the exact tests and procedures vary based on location, but in short, it provides a very holistic look at your current health status. Plus, at the end, you get one-on-one time with the doctor where the available test results are reviewed and next steps are discussed. This gives you the chance to ask questions and figure out the best health path for you with the help of a doctor.

Even if you aren’t training for a race or athletic event, it’s still a good idea to get an executive physical once a year. Executives and high-level employees who work long hours and are exposed to high levels of stress are much more likely to face health issues such as heart disease, cardiac arrest and high blood pressure. Put bluntly, we’re at high risk of facing a serious medical issue, and not getting checked out is just taking life for granted.

Each year in the United States, 14,000 lives would be saved for each 10% increase in hypertension screening and preventative care, and approximately 8,000 lives could be saved for each 10% increase in cholesterol screening and preventative care. Taking the preventive steps is very possible. It’s just a matter of finding and taking the time to do it.

What I love about the executive physical is that you can get everything checked out at once without having to schedule multiple appointments with different doctors. That way you spend less time away from work. I know too many people who put off going to the doctor because they don’t think they can afford to be away from the office. I worry that one day they’ll really regret it. The executive physical makes it so much more convenient and manageable to do what’s best for your health.

With Ultimate Health’s Executive Physical Program, which is included in the plan, you get 2K to 10K toward your executive physical, depending on your plan level. They also help with coordination of the executive physical. These exams are generally conducted at Centers of Excellence, and Ultimate Health helps you find a great one near you. I recently went to The Greenbrier and had a superb experience.

Fortunately, my exam went very well. During my consultation, my doctor suggested I wear a supportive back brace when lifting anything—which I’ll have to remember when helping my daughter pack for her upcoming cross-country meet! He also gave me the green light for the marathon, and now I’m truly confident that my health is race-ready. Let’s keep running!

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” –Jim Rohn

“From Evidence to Practice: Workplace Wellness that Works.” Institute for Health and Productivity Studies Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Transamerica Center for Health Studies®.
“Executive Health a Top Priority for Stock Holders.” Corporate Wellness Magazine.
“Long Hours at the Office May Raise Your Heart Disease Risk: Study.” Consumer HealthDay.