Follow along with Ed Walker, President of ArmadaGlobal, as he performs the ultimate balancing act of training, executive responsibilities and family life on his journey to the Baltimore Marathon!

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Hi, I’m Ed Walker, President of ArmadaGlobal, husband, father and tackler of all challenges. Feel free to click around my office to learn more about me and how I use Ultimate Health.

Executive Physical - Sept 5th

A good time to benchmark my health to make sure I’m race-ready.
Baltimore Marathon - October 15th

The Baltimore Marathon will take me all over the city on an approximately 26 mile route.
Orioles Game - August 23rd

Corporate bonding at the O’s game on Aug 23rd.

Corporate bonding at the O’s game on August 23rd.

Armada Articles: Healthy Ed'ition

“The first wealth is health, and it hurts to be broke.”


I have completed many athletic endurance events, from 5K’s and marathons to epic races like Leadville 100 and the Kona Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. The ultimate suffer-fest!


Over the next month or so, I will be training for the Baltimore Marathon on October 15th. I invite you to follow me on this journey, and I hope you’ll be inspired to make healthy choices in your life, too.


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Work Life Balance

I like to enjoy the fresh air and outdoors as much as possible. Each summer, I make sure my family and I get to spend time away from normal stressors and unwind on the beach.


Working hard is important, but so is taking designated vacation time. Not taking your vacation time is actually bad for your health, so don’t put it off! You’ll be more productive when you come back than you would be if you skipped the trip.

Ironman World Championship

I've participated in over 50 endurance races. Last year I competed in the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii.


Read the article

Ultimate Health by Armada

If you want to learn more about the aspects of the Ultimate Health plan, click here throughout the journey!

Importance of Healthy Eating

Seventy-five percent of healthcare spending goes toward treating preventable conditions, most of which are diet-related.


Source: “Healthy Eating Statistics.” The Healthy Eating Guide.

Executive Physicals are conducted at Centers of Excellence. I get mine at The Greenbrier Wellness Escape.


Get the details here

Executives suffer from higher health risks due to the nature of their jobs, so it’s important to get checked out!

Screening Saves Lives

Each year in the United States, 14,000 lives would be saved for each 10% increase in hypertension screening and preventative care, and approximately 8,000 lives could be saved for each 10% increase in cholesterol screening and preventative care.


“From Evidence to Practice: Workplace Wellness that Works.” Institute for Health and Productivity Studies Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Transamerica Center for Health Studies®.

Executive Physicals Defined

Executive Physicals are top-to-toe physical exams that often include a thorough medical review, extensive blood work, electrocardiogram, skin cancer screenings and many other tests for chronic conditions. They conclude with a doctor consultation to review results and discuss next steps.

You know Ed, those who work longer hours have a higher risk of heart disease.

Sophisticated Screening Procedures

Senior executives are at a higher risk for heart disease and are more inclined to having elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure.

“Executive Health a Top Priority for Stock Holders.” Corporate Wellness Magazine.


Those who work longer hours have a higher risk of heart disease. There is 16% increase for those who work 55 hours a week and a 35% increase for those who work 60 hours a week.

“Long Hours at the Office May Raise Your Heart Disease Risk: Study.” Consumer HealthDay.


Health concerns can decrease productivity by as much as 70%. Similarly, 70% of the cost to employers associated with poor health comes from lost productivity.

“Understanding Presenteeism.” Standard Insurance Company.

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Executive Physical

This week, I decided it would be a good idea to take advantage of Ultimate Health’s Executive Physical Program and get checked out to make sure I’m in good shape health-wise for the upcoming marathon.


What I love about the executive physical is that you can get everything checked out at once without having to schedule multiple appointments with different doctors.


Get the full story.

Coverage for Executive Physicals

Ultimate Health provides 2K to 10K of coverage toward executive physicals for the member and their spouse. (That’s 2K to 10K each.) These exams are typically conducted at Centers of Excellence, such as Greenbrier. Ultimate Health can help you find a great center near you, as well as help you set up your exam.

Now that I’m confident my health is on track for the marathon, let’s get back to training!


Next week, take a run in my shoes and experience a typical day in my life.



Insurance plans and coverage may vary by state. Detailed coverage and exclusions and limitations are listed in the Certificate of Insurance.


This site offers health and fitness information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before beginning any fitness program.