For 3 years running, ArmadaCare has received a “best-in-class” Net Promoter Score (NPS). Up 14 full points from our first NPS calculation, our score of +72 once again ranks us with the leading companies in customer satisfaction, like Amazon (+73), Southwest (+62), and Zappos (+57).

Scores range from -100 to +100, with scores of +50 and higher considered “best-in-class” in customer loyalty. Scores above +70 are considered “World Class.” We are thrilled to be considered a top customer-centric company.

ArmadaCare’s Continued Commitment to Service Excellence

In 2015, we measured our NPS for the first time and were thrilled with the results: +58. We have always been committed to providing the highest standard of customer service possible, but until NPS, we had yet to find a way to truly measure how we were doing. NPS has confirmed that our commitment to service has a positive impact.

Each year we will strive to bring betterment to both our company and the health benefits landscape as a whole! With a score 60 points higher than the health insurance industry average (+12), we are proud to call ourselves leaders in service, as well as innovation.

What is NPS?

NPS is a simple and easy way to measure loyalty and the likelihood of customer referrals. At its core, NPS consists of one easy question: “How likely is it that you would recommend this company or product to a friend or colleague?” It’s based on a simple 0 to 10 scale. A zero means that the respondent would not recommend the service to someone else, while a 10 indicates that he or she is extremely likely to recommend it.

Each number then falls into one of three categories:

  • DETRACTOR – A score of 6 or below
  • PASSIVE – A score of 7 or 8
  • PROMOTER – A score of 9 or 10

The actual NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters; passives don’t count. So, it’s much easier to have detractors than promoters, skewing the odds in a lower score’s favor. Simply receiving a positive score is hailed as excellent by numerous companies!

For more details on the Net Promoter Score, check out this blog post.