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So far Ed Walker has created 21 blog entries.

The Prescription Costs Epidemic in Healthcare

The cost of prescription drugs in the U.S. are high and getting higher. What do high prescription costs mean exactly and how is it impacting the group healthcare insurance market? Here are some statistics that show just how out of control prescription drug prices are: Spending on prescription medicine per capita in the U.S. [...]

The Prescription Costs Epidemic in Healthcare2018-03-29T14:00:33+00:00

What Makes a Breakthrough Benefits Adviser?

This one’s for all the benefits advisers looking to outshine the competition, break through the clutter and rise above the rest. Here are 4 tips to take to apply to your strategy as soon as possible. 1. Don’t Recycle Pitching the exact same benefits structure or introducing the exact same products to all your [...]

What Makes a Breakthrough Benefits Adviser?2018-03-14T13:30:09+00:00

Myth Busters: Is Supplemental Health Insurance Necessary?

The word supplemental comes with a connotation of superfluous or unnecessary, and unfortunately that connotation is sometimes carried over to supplemental health insurance. But with the recent shifts in the benefits industry, supplemental health insurance has taken on new importance. A Little History For years, supplemental health insurance was considered an afterthought and an [...]

Myth Busters: Is Supplemental Health Insurance Necessary?2018-12-12T17:10:56+00:00

Resolve to Equate Health and Wealth

The season of resolutions is upon us! Gyms are packed, and grocery lists are full of healthy greens and fruits, but that dedication to health can be easily forgotten when monetary value comes into play. For employees, employers and brokers alike, its time to make a health AND wealth resolution, to hold both ideas [...]

Resolve to Equate Health and Wealth2018-03-08T18:57:18+00:00

Is Innovation Driving a New Category of Desired Top Talent?

When preparing to recruit ‘top talent,’ your mind typically goes to those candidates with the skills, expertise and leadership experience to make a positive impact and drive positive change at your company. It’s also important to think of the talent gaps that these people are needed to fill. We know that recruiting and winning [...]

Is Innovation Driving a New Category of Desired Top Talent?2017-10-18T01:23:32+00:00

Retention Tension

When discussing the tight talent market, there is often a lot of focus put on the ability to attract talent and win them over, but what about the talent you already have at your company? Keeping the skilled and talented professionals you rely on at your company has become increasingly challenging over the past [...]

Retention Tension2018-03-08T18:31:32+00:00

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Race Day

After months of training, the day of the Baltimore Marathon finally arrived this past Saturday. That morning, the city flooded with runners of all ages (including myself, my wife, daughter and son), ready to tackle the hilly route with athletic ambition. And trust me, you need all the determination you can get to conquer this [...]

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Race Day2021-05-10T20:31:17+00:00

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: I Can See Clearly Now

With the race just days away, I can almost see the finish line! I’ve been running before and after work to step up my workout in the final weeks. Fall has really started to set in, and the sun hanging differently in the sky is affecting my eyes. My wife reminded me that I [...]

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: I Can See Clearly Now2017-10-18T12:55:27+00:00

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Corporate Wellness

It’s easy to feel stuck in your routine (both literally and figuratively) when you spend a lot of your time at work, behind a desk. Staying healthy is a challenge for sure, but it’s necessary for your overall wellbeing and happiness. At Armada, we make this belief part of our culture with a Wellness [...]

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Corporate Wellness2021-05-10T20:31:48+00:00

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Bike Ride Blues

Hello, everyone. If you’re new, welcome to my journey to the Baltimore Marathon! You can catch up here. Over the weekend, I switched it up by going on a bike ride with my cycling club. I thought it would be a good way to give my knees a break while still getting in my [...]

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Bike Ride Blues2021-05-10T20:32:26+00:00