About Charlotta Winslow-Jenkins

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So far Charlotta Winslow-Jenkins has created 6 blog entries.

HR Challenges Topping the List for 2017

HR’s roles range from interviewing potential employees to dealing with employee conduct issues. But one of the most daunting duties HR faces is talent management. Here are the top contributing challenges. Tight Talent Market Think back to the early 2000s: employers were dealing with a huge talent pool because unemployment rates were so high. [...]

HR Challenges Topping the List for 20172018-03-08T18:56:04+00:00

Are Your Benefits Developing an Emotional Connection to Job Prospects?

Let’s jump right into it. Are your benefits developing an emotional connection to job prospects? I know, it’s a strange question, one you may be inclined to answer with, “I don’t know, who cares, benefits aren’t emotional.” But let’s think about it for a minute. Gallup’s recent article, “Does your brand attract star employees?” discusses [...]

Are Your Benefits Developing an Emotional Connection to Job Prospects?2017-05-10T05:00:06+00:00

Insurance with True Value

In a recent post, we covered the value of an insured product versus something that may act similarly, but is not technically insurance. You can read the details here, but in short, insurance delivers much greater value because of its ability to ebb and flow. We also explained that while primary insurance plan premiums [...]

Insurance with True Value2018-03-08T18:29:39+00:00

Maryland Entrepreneur of the Year 2016: An Innovator Among Us

It is an exciting time for ArmadaGlobal as one of our own is recognized as a true trailblazer and visionary! You may recall that our very own Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Keith Sullivan, was named a finalist for the 2016 EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Maryland Program. At a gala on [...]

Maryland Entrepreneur of the Year 2016: An Innovator Among Us2018-03-08T18:28:35+00:00

Higher Health Risk for Top Talent

Protecting top talent is important for many reasons. For one, when they get sick, the disruptions cause a ripple effect that trickles down to the entire company. But the leaders of your company are also at a higher risk for health issues than other employees and, therefore, they need special protection. Quick Review Who are [...]

Higher Health Risk for Top Talent2018-03-08T18:27:19+00:00

Who Said Executive Medical Reimbursement Is Dead?

How do you know which plans are viable today? There are 3 questions to ask: Question 1: Insurance or Self-Insured? When medical reimbursement plans were originally introduced in the 80s, there was really only one question to ask to determine a plan's viability: whether the plan was insured or not. This is because these [...]

Who Said Executive Medical Reimbursement Is Dead?2018-03-08T18:15:55+00:00