Last week, Armada held our inaugural Day of Service. We spent the day beautifying the recess space of a local Baltimore school, painting hop scotch, 4-square courts, race tracks and more! This rewarding experience allowed us the hands-on opportunity to improve our community. Armada employees got to relive their recess days and experience the power of play!

Our Community Relations Committee holds the mission:

At Armada, we serve charitable organizations that are focused on improving the health and wellness of our local Baltimore communities. In addition, since innovation is at the core of our own company, we look to support non-profits who share our passion for innovation in their approach and spirit.

As a company that stands on pillars of health and wellness and values innovation, we were thrilled to partner with Playworks on this project. Playworks is a nonprofit organization that helps schools and youth centers create recess and play environments where every child can join in. They proudly support the belief that all kids should experience the social, emotional, and physical benefits of play. You can learn more about this organization here.

Here at Armada, we live by the “pay it forward” principle, and we are so glad that we are able to give back in meaningful ways that both enrich our employees’ lives and the lives of those in our Baltimore community. This event was a huge success to mark the beginning of Armada’s community service initiatives, with many more service events to come!