We are approaching back to school season, which means tons of preparation. School supplies, new clothes, dorm room necessities, lunch box favorites. These are all items you can check off a list, but how do you prepare for something you don’t see coming?

For TJ, his freshman year of college started with a painful lacrosse injury that left him sidelined, watching his dream pass him by. Luckily, he had access to TopDoc Connect, a specialist matching service that connected him with the perfect physician specialist to treat his specific diagnosis. Hear his story in the video below.

TopDoc Connect is included in Ultimate Health and available as a standalone product as well. No matter what your diagnosis or medical condition, getting to the right specialist and on the right treatment path can be challenging. TopDoc Connect provides objective guidance and access to top physicians who have the exact expertise and experience needed. Created by leading physicians, TopDoc Connect is designed to deliver better health outcomes, reduce claims cost and offer peace of mind.