It’s time to wrap up another transformative year in the health benefits industry! There are sure to be more changes and innovative ideas to come, and we’re excited to see what the new year will bring. Before we catapult ourselves into 2017, let’s take a look back at Armada Articles most popular posts of 2016.

Changing Tides: The Need for a Next Generation Recruitment Package

With the changing job market, there are more jobs for jobseekers to choose from which means less eligible talent for employers to choose from. While before it may have been possible to provide the minimum in a recruitment package, now it’s time to move on to the next generation of recruitment packages to hook top talent that you need. (Complete with a fun infographic.)

What Your Executive Compensation Plan Is Missing

While there are many elements to an executive compensation plan, one that is often overlooked is health benefits. The #1 benefit employees care about is healthcare insurance, so providing great healthcare insurance to executives can have a huge impact. Find out about the compensation power of an executive medical reimbursement plan.

Value of Wellness Way More Than ROI

When considering the impact and benefits of a wellness program it’s important to move beyond the tangible ROI and consider the intangible VOI (Value on Investment). The benefits of wellness programs may not be easily measurable, but they are found in the positive impact on productivity, morale and much more.

Healthy ‘Ed’ition: Introducing Ed Walker

This year, our President Ed Walker embarked on a rigorous health journey to train for the Baltimore Marathon in the midst of our busy season. Ed accepted this challenge head on and reached his goal! He documented his experience with a series of blog posts called the Healthy ‘Ed’ition. With a little help from the Marketing Team, his experience was also turned into an interactive and animated website which you can check out here.

Total Rewards Package: Think Outside the Box

Total rewards packages are used to attract, motivate, retain and engage employees, but how can you push beyond the typical borders of a basic package? In this post, we explored how Ultimate Health, our market-leading supplemental healthcare plan, can boost your total rewards package in many areas: compensation, benefits, work-life effectiveness and recognition.

Say No to Cookie-Cutter Benefits

It’s easy to find yourself in a bidding war with a competitor over a great employee. The problem: anyone can offer more money. The solution: offer a benefits package that is specific to your company culture that they won’t find elsewhere. A cookie-cutter benefits package is no longer an option if you want to secure talent.