Stickiness: a word usually associated with gum, peanut butter, and syrup used to describe an adhesive quality. You may have also heard this word used in reference to web stickiness: anything about a website that makes a visitor want to stay on the page.

This goal of web stickiness, though from a different industry, is very similar to your company’s goal of executive retention. You want to make executives want to stay with your company. So, in an age where job switches are becoming increasingly more common, how do you accomplish this goal?

To answer this question, let’s look at 3 best practices of web stickiness, how these best practices parallel with executive stickiness, and how you can use Ultimate Health to achieve executive stickiness at your company.

1. Provide what they really want.

Though this may seem obvious, you need to give executives what they are looking for and what they want, or they obviously won’t stay.  These are highly valued, educated people, and their talent is in high demand. If they aren’t getting what they want, you can expect them to quickly bounce to another company that will provide them with what you aren’t. (Stickiness level: 0)

Healthcare is the #1 benefit employees care about. This means that providing good, quality healthcare and coverage is imperative to your executive stickiness strategy.

With up to $100,000 of coverage and far-reaching value, Ultimate Health is just what your executives are looking for in that department.

2. Provide what’s relevant.

It’s not enough to just give your executives what they want, but you need to make sure that what you’re providing is current and up-to-date. For healthcare, this means that you need to be on top of the relevant ACA rules and regulations and understand how the plan that you’re offering is affected.

Ultimate Health is the most contemporary plan on the market. And, for the record, Ultimate Health an ACA-excepted supplemental executive medical reimbursement plan.

3. Personalize.

So you’ve given them what they want in the most current form. Now, make sure what you’re providing is catered to who they are. Make it personal.

Ultimate Health can help with this, too. The plan is designed to fit the executive lifestyle. This means it’s convenient and stress-free with easy online or mobile claims filing, an Rx Visa® to use right at the pharmacy, a world-class member services team, and coverage toward Executive Physicals so that they can get all of their exams done at one time. Travel support services are there to protect the executive when away from home on business or personal trips.

Ultimate Health also includes TopDoc Connect, a program that will match the executive to specialists that have the proven expertise in his or her exact condition. With TopDoc Connect, we get to know the patient and facilitate personalized access so they can get what they need and get back to optimal health quicker.

TopDoc Connect is also an important way to protect executives against the higher health risk that accompanies their job title.

So, if you’re looking for a way to get your executive stickiness levels off the chart, Ultimate Health is the place to turn. With Ultimate Health in place at your company, your executives won’t want to be anywhere else.

“Stickiness.” TechTarget.